CR+D / Document

Part of an on-line periodical

Zacks, Rebecca. — «Dances with machines». — Technology review : MIT's magazine of innovation [on line]. — (May/June 1999). — P. [?].
Also available on the Internet :
{{}} [ref. September 7, 2005].

Part of an on-line periodical
- Document in English
- State in the CR+D Collection : ON LINE

The CR+D Database contains the following indexation:
(Please note that indexation is not always exhaustive.)

- David Rokeby

- David Rokeby, The Giver of Names, 1990-
- David Rokeby, Very Nervous System, 1986
- David Rokeby, Watch, 1995

DLF Project:
- pr0002235 David Rokeby : Common sense gathering and discursive structure for The Giver of Names project

Other documents by the same author:
- Rebecca Zacks