Latin American Electroacoustic Music Collection

Jose Miguel Candela, Bajan Gritando Ellos, 2000

Recording time: 6 min 45 s.
Remarks: Leonel Lienlaf, reciter. Dedicated to the Mapuche culture.

Other resources available:
- About Jose Miguel Candela
- Compositions by Jose Miguel Candela

About this composition:

Bajan Gritando Ellos - They Descend screamig.

Dedicated to the mapuche people, in their fight for the recuperation of their lands and dignity. The poem is from Leonel Lienlaf.
In the piece, he read the poem 2 times in mapudugun, their native language. The number 2 is a very important number in mapuche's cosmovision, and I took this number as an element tu construct my music.
The piece has his debut at the 8th Havana International Electroacoustic Musical Festival, Cuba

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They Descend Screaming

The invaders descend screaming
rushing over the fields
whistling along the streams.
I run to see my people,
my blood,
but they have already fallen upon the ground.
The winkas (the white men) trample over them
fatally wounding the earth,
breaking my heart.

I went inside my burning house
in search of warmth,
the stream of my tears gushed forth
raining over my feet

Can you understand my tears?
Listen to the air explain them

The years are going by,
the last remaining shelters are burning,
the earth is changing
and I am lost
amongst so many words.

Listen, my tears are speaking.
