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The uses of new information and communication technologies in intermedia studies

After two years of collaborative work, Les usages des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication (NTIC) dans le domaine des études intermédiatiques was initiated by the Collectif étudiant du Centre de recherche sur l'intermédialité (CECRI) [Centre for Research into Intermediality Student Collective] at the University of Montreal. Theoretical research led by the Collective over the past two years is presented as a Web site, itself a collective effort designed to be a space for experimentation with new information and communication technologies.

Because of the experimental nature of its research, the Collective is using the site to advance an original approach to collaborative knowledge production: instead of theoretical writings, the site highlights the group's reflections on intermediality and the evolution of its ideas and discussions. The collaborative methods that the Collective's members have developed are rooted in three main ideas: collaboration as a game; thinking as building; and subjectivity as a point of view. Thus, the group's approaches are explained through four types of game: the children's game, the literate game, the social game and the game of possibilities. Visitors are encouraged to navigate within a puzzle presented as a metaphor for the game. In addition, the site includes an explanation of the Collective's approach, a discussion of the graphical interface, a key and a descriptive commentary on each game.

In addition to its financial support, the Foundation helped produce the site and provided hosting.

Dominique Fontaine © 2003 FDL