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SENSE Project

Supervision of Ecological and Natural Sensitive Environments

Mont Pinacle (Frelighsburg, Quebec)
Mont Pinacle (Frelighsburg, Quebec) Mont Pinacle (Frelighsburg, Quebec) Mont Pinacle (Frelighsburg, Quebec)
The SENSE Project seeks to develop an autonomous data collection system that will gather information on environmental data such as soil status, plant growth, snow accumulations, constant measurement of precipitations, etc. Once completed, this research project and the information gathering system that will result could be deployed in other fragile and difficult to access areas in Quebec or elsewhere and allow researchers to study and analyze data that is not readily available on a continuous basis.

Mont Pinacle (Frelighsburg, Quebec) Mont Pinacle (Frelighsburg, Quebec) Mont Pinacle (Frelighsburg, Quebec) Mont Pinacle (Frelighsburg, Quebec) Mont Pinacle (Frelighsburg, Quebec) Mont Pinacle (Frelighsburg, Quebec) Mont Pinacle (Frelighsburg, Quebec) Mont Pinacle (Frelighsburg, Quebec) Mont Pinacle (Frelighsburg, Quebec) Mont Pinacle (Frelighsburg, Quebec) Mont Pinacle (Frelighsburg, Quebec) Mont Pinacle (Frelighsburg, Quebec) Mont Pinacle (Frelighsburg, Quebec) Mont Pinacle (Frelighsburg, Quebec) Mont Pinacle (Frelighsburg, Quebec) Mont Pinacle (Frelighsburg, Quebec)

The summit of Mont Pinacle was selected for this research project because it offers the suitable characteristics needed to test the project’s hypothesis in true conditions: a unique and fragile natural environment without direct road access, varied weather conditions that are specially difficult during winter at heights over 600 meters, no access to a public electric network and no cabled internet access.

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