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Centro Bartolomé de Las Casas

(Cusco, Peru)

Centro Bartolomé de Las Casas, Cusco, Peru
The Bartolomé de Las Casas Andean Studies Centre (CBC) was founded in 1974 by a small team of scholars passionate about the Andean world. As a point of departure, the Centre set itself an ambitious objective: to advance study and raise awareness of the Andean world with all of its historical, cultural, social, linguistic, and economic complexities. Within just a few years, the CBC developed a highly specialized library on the Andean culture, a wide array of research, training and consulting activities, and a network of Peruvian and international researchers as well as students, professors, and people from local institutions, rural communities, and indigenous regional federations. The Centre has grown into a venue for reference, debate, and active exchange.

The vision of the CBC is indivisible from that of the Andean world so often viewed as a subcontinent held back by common realities. Its political and social isolation will gradually be overcome by integrating the population into the economic and political life of its societies, and it will become a world whose potential will be valued, protected, and enriched. The development process will be supported by local creativity and resources, thus helping the indigenous and mestizo cultures to embrace their rights as citizens. To make this vision a reality, the CBC has adopted a mission to place itself at the service of the entire Andean region to raise awareness, enhance the culture, and help develop concrete proposals for democratic development. Today, the CBC is structured around three main programs: Casa Campesina (Peasant House), Colegio Andino (post graduate Andean College) and Editorial (Publishing House).

Jean Gagnon © 2007 FDL