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Steina and Woody Vasulka

Heraldic View, 1974

Steina and Woody Vasulka, Heraldic View, 1974 (full version) (video)
Steina and Woody Vasulka, Heraldic View, 1974 (full version) (video)
Alternatively, in Soundsize and Heraldic View (both 1974) the pattern will be modulated through sounds that are generated from an audio synthesizer to affect the form and shape of the visual expression of electronic sound. Nevertheless, interfacing image and sound is not an absolute state of interchangeability. In Heraldic View, the pattern is generated with an oscillator and some behavior of the image is controlled with an audio synthesizer, while other effects result from keying and therefore involve a level of programming.

Yvonne Spielmann © 2004 FDL