Archive document : File
[Digital Image Articulator]. – [ca 1980]. – 3 cm of textual documents. – Includes computer printouts of the files storing the "Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)" software commands and instruction manuals for the "Data Max UVI" and "VVV Systems" softwares. - Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. - The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
Layouts : inventory components : power consumption. – [1979]. – 5 mm of textual and other documents (13 sheets). – Includes handwritten notes, technical drawings and forms to encode integrated circuits coming from the design of the "Digital Image Articulator"'s hardware components. - Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. – The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
[Digital Image Articulator]. – [1979]. – 1.5 cm of textual and other documents (39 sheets). – Includes handwritten notes and technical drawings coming from the design stage of the tool's software components. - Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. - The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
[Digital Image Articulator]. – [ca 1979]. – 1 cm of textual and other documents (28 sheets). – Includes handwritten notes and technical drawings coming from the design of the tool's software components. - Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. - The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
[Digital Image Articulator]. – [1979]. – 3 cm of textual and other documents (71 sheets). – Includes handwritten notes and technical drawings coming from the design stage of the tool's software components. - Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. - The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
[Digital Image Articulator]. – [1979]. – 2 cm of textual and other documents (55 sheets). – Includes handwritten notes and technical drawings coming from the design stage of the tool's hardware and software components. - Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. - The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
[Digital Image Articulator]. – [ca 1979]. – 1 cm of textual documents. – Includes handwritten notes and technical drawings coming from the design stage of the tool's software components. - Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. - The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
Terminator board. – [1979]. – 2 cm of textual and other documents (41 sheets). – Includes handwritten notes, technical drawings and computer printouts from the design of the "Digital Image Articulator"'s hardware and software components. - Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. - The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
8 k x 4 image buffer. – [1979]. – 2 cm of textual and other documents (39 sheets). – Includes handwritten notes and technical drawings from the design of the buffer memory units in the "Digital Image Articulator". - Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. - The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
Digital to analog converters. – [1979]. – 1 cm of technical and other documents (27 sheets). – Includes handwritten notes, technical drawings and computer printouts from the design stage of the digital to analog converters in the "Digital Image Articulator". - Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. - The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
Blocks (test jigs). – [1979]. – 5 mm of textual docments (12 sheets). – Includes handwritten notes, technical drawings and computer printouts from the design of the "Digital Image Articulator"'s software components. - Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. - The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : Diagram / Technical drawing
Schier, Jeffrey. – ALU/sequencer board. – [1979]. – 1 technical drawing. – Command sheet of the «Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)».
Archive document : File
Buffer board - LSI-11 / priority select decoders / soft request. – [1979]. – 5 mm of technical drawings (15 sheets). – Includes handwritten notes and technical drawings from the desing of the "Digital Image Articulator"'s software components. – Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. – The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
Addressing board. – [1979]. – 1 cm of technical and other documents (22 sheets). – Includes handwritten notes and technical drawings from the design of the "Digital Image Articulator"'s software components. - Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. - The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
Selector. – [1979]. – 3 technical drawings. – Includes technical drawings from the design of the "Digital Image Articulator"'s software components. - Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. - The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
Buffers. – [1979]. – 5 mm of technical drawings and other documents (11 sheets). – Includes handwritten notes, technical drawings and typewritten command lists from the design of the "Digital Image Articulator"'s software components. - Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. - The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
Titler board. – [1979]. – 2 cm of technical drawings and other documents (60 sheets). – Includes handwritten notes and technical drawings from the design of the "Digital Image Articulator"'s software components. - Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. - The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
Diagrams. – [1979]. – 1 cm of technical and other documents (26 sheets). – Includes handwritten notes and technical drawings from the design of the "Digital Image Articulator"'s software components. - Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. - The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
Diagrams. – [1979]. – 1 cm of technical drawings and other documents (31 sheets). – Includes handwritten notes and technical drawings from the design of the "Digital Image Articulator"'s software components. - Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. - The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
Buffer layouts. – [1979]. – 1.5 cm of technical and other documents (46 feuillets). – Includes mostly forms to encode integrated circuits and technical drawings from the design of the "Digital Image Articulator"'s software components. – Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. – The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
Grids. – [1979]. – 5 sheets. – Includes forms to encode integrated circuits, handwritten notes and computer printouts from the design of the «Digital Image Articulator»'s software components. – Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. – The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
Phase locked loop interface. – [1979]. – 7 technical and other documents. – Includes forms to encode integrated circuits, handwritten notes and technical drawings from the design of the "Digital Image Articulator"'s software components. – Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. – The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
Steina : enter and update. – [1979]. – 5 mm of technical and other documents (15 sheets) . – Includes handwritten notes and technical drawings from the design of the "Digital Image Articulator"'s software components. – Documents attributed to Steina Vasulka. – The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
[Digital Image Articulator]. – [1979]. – 3 textual and other documents. – Includes a manual describing the functions of the LS-11 computer and handwritten notes from the design of the "Digital Image Articulator"'s software components. – Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. – The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : Manuscript
Schier, Jeffrey. – [Manuscrit du manuel d'utilisation du «Digital Image Articulator»]. – [ca 1979]. – [68] p.
Archive document : File
[Digital Image Articulator]. – [ca 1979]. – 2 cm of textual documents. – Includes handwritten notes, technical drawings and computer printouts from the design of the "Digital Image Articulator"'s software components. - Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. - Also contains a manuscript by John Harris entitled "The Harris System" dated 1979. - The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
[Digital image articulator]. – [1979]. – 2.5 cm of textual and other documents (76 sheets). – Includes handwritten notes and technical drawings from the design of the tool's software components. - Document attributed to Jeffrey Schier. - The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
FPLA/from tester. – [1979]. – 5 technical drawings. – Includes technical drawings done by Tom Moxon when designing the "Digital Image Articulator"'s software components. - The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
[Digital Image Articulator]. – [1978-1979]. – 2.5 cm of textual documents. – Includes receipts of hardware components possibly purchased at the prototyping stage of the tool. – The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
[Vasulka Imaging system]. – [1978]. – 3 textual documents. – File. – Includes two reports by Jeffrey Schier describing the components and the operating mode of the tool. Prossibly preliminary versions in prevision of writing an operating manual. – The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
X-Y generator : synch generator. – [ca. 1978]. – 1 cm of technical drawings and other documents (22 sheets). – Includes handwritten notes and technical drawings coming from the design stage of the "Digital Image Articulator"'s software components. - Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. – The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
[Digital Image Articulator]. – [1978-1979]. – 3 mm of technical drawings (7 sheets). – Includes handwritten notes and technical drawings coming from the design stage of the hardware and software components of the tool. - Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. - The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
[Digital Image Articulator]. – [1978]. – 2.5 cm of textual and other documents (71 sheets). – Includes handwritten notes, technical drawings and one form to encode integrated circuits from the design stage of the tool's software components. - Also include a filled form to order hardware components in view of constructing a prototype. - Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. - The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : Manuscript
[Vasulka, Woody] ; [Schier, Jeffy] ; [Moxon, Tom]. – The articulator manual. – [ca. 1977]. – [81] p. – Unpublished instruction manual of the «Digital Image Articulator». – Computer printout.
Archive document : File
[George Brown Multi-Keyer]. – [ca.1977]. – 2 cm of technical drawings (50 sheets). – File. – Includes sketches and original unsigned technical drawings possibly made by George Brown at the design stage of the tool. – The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : Diagram / Technical drawing
Video colorizer 200-400. – Berkeley : Electronic Associates of Berkeley, [ca 1977]. – 1 technical drawing ; 90 x 60 cm. – Description of the hardware and software components of W.E. Hearn's "Video Colorizer".
Archive document : File
[George Brown Multi-Level-Keyer]. – [ca 1977]. – 2.5 cm of textual and other documents (56 feuillets). – Includes mostly handwritten notes, but also photocopied technical drawings coming from the designing stage of the tool's hardware and software components. – Technical drawings possibly made by George Brown. – The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
[George Brown Multi-Level Keyer]. – [ca. 1977]. – 18 technical drawings. – Includes mostly sketches, notes and original technical drawings made at the designing and prototyping stages of the tool. - Technical drawings possibly made by George Brown. - The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
[Digital Image Articulator]. – [ca. 1977]. – 1.5 cm of technical drawings and other documents (59 feuillets). – Includes handwritten notes and computer printouts coming from the design stage of the tool's software components. - Documents attributed to Jeffrey Schier. - The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.
Archive document : File
[Digital image Processor]. – [ca. 1977]. – 5 mm of technical drawings and other documents (15 sheets). – Includes notes, drawings on cardboards showing handwritten graphical guidelines to create images with a software and computer printouts of the control directory of this software. – Documents attributed to Don MacArthur, Walter Wright and Jeffrey Schier. – The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items.