Musique électroacoustique latino-américaine

Carlos A. Ferpozzi (Argentine)

[Traduction non disponible]
Carlos A. Ferpozzi (born in Córdoba, 1937) was among a small group of composers that created the Experimental Music Center (Centro de Música Experimental) at the National University of Córdoba during the mid 60s.

Ferpozzi has been teaching Harmony, Music History, Morphology, Counterpoint and Musical Analysis at National University of Córdoba. Since 1994 he is working also as researcher at the Research Center of Philosophy and Humanities Faculty (Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades - CIFFyH) and the Secretary of Science and Technology (Secretaria de Ciencia y Tecnología) at the same University, focusing on Fractal Geometry on Music - Autogenerative Algorithms for Musical Composition (Geometría Fractal en la Música. Sus algoritmos autogenerativos para la composición y el apoyo de las nuevas tecnologías en este campo).

He wrote papers and articles about: "Series Numericas Generativas, Sistemas Estocásticos y Simulación de Inteligencia" ("Generative numerical series, stochastic systems and intelligence simulation"), "Armonías Apriorísticas Generadas por un Objeto Fractal" ("Aprioristic harmonies generated by a fractal object"), "¿Holismo caótico o Caos Estructurado?" ("Chaotic holism or structured chaos?"), "Dimensiones Hausdorff y Holomovimiento" ("Hausdorff dimensions and holomovement"), "Métodos Generativos Unificados en Estética Formal. Sonido, Color y Forma" ("Generative methods unified in formal aesthetics. Sound, color and form"), and "Introducción al Estudio del Algoritmo Lorenz como Caos Organizado" ("Introduction to the study of Lorenz algorithm as organized chaos"). Together with César Franchisena he wrote also about: "Automatización de Estructuras Sonoras" ("Sound structures automation") and "Sonorización con Ordenadores" ("Sonorisation using computers").

Ferpozzi composed in 1962 "La ciudad", a concrète music piece. During the following years he created, among other works: "Ensayo electrónico concreto No. 1" in 1969; "Ensayo Electrónico No. 2" and "Ensayo Electrónico No. 3", both for tape, "Pieza para piano preparado y cinta magnética" for prepared piano and tape, and "Tres Micro Estructuras para Orquesta de Cámara y Cinta Magnética" for chamber orchestra and tape, all four pieces from 1971, realized at the Laboratory of the Experimental Music Center.

Since 1980 up to the present he is active in composition again. Ferpozzi composed "Criptofonías" for piano, percussion and electronic sounds in 1980, realized at the personal studio of César Franchisena, and "Sintagma" for electronic sounds, in 1986. During the following years, working with the compositional software "Sinapsis" developed by composer/researcher Eleazar Garzón on what he named "cybermusic", Ferpozzi composed pieces like: "Contrapunto Holístico" in 1989, "Contrapunto Fractal No. 1" in 1994, "Danza Automática" in 1995, "Signus" in 1996, "Pequeño Concierto para Corno e Instrumentos Exóticos" in 1997, and "Pasacaglia" in 1998. Among his recent electroacoustic music pieces are: "Estudio sobre ritmos homológicos" from 1998; "Ibis de los espacios virtuales" from 1999; "Algoritmo polivalente", a piece created to demonstrate correlations bewtween sound, color and form based on B. Mandelbrot's fractal algorithm, and "Pagoda (4 aforismos)", both from 2000; "Sortilegios" from 2001; and "Atractores extraños" from 2002, experimental piece based on autogenerative processes.

(text updated: October, 2003)

Ressources disponibles pour ce compositeur :
- Liste des compositions (1 composition)

Table des matières :