Musique électroacoustique latino-américaine

Edgar Alandia Canipa (Bolivie)

[Traduction non disponible]
At an early age Edgar Alandia Canipa (born in Oruro, 1950) moved from Bolivia to Italy and developed his musical career there.

Alandia studied in Italy at Santa Cecilia Music Conservatory, where he graduated as composer and conductor.

Among other works he composed pieces like: "Memorias" for string quartet, tape and live electronics in 1987; "PERLA.... fabula triste", chamber opera for reciter, soprano, baritone, string quartet, trombone and live electronics in 1989; "Soundfences " for trombone and live electronics also during 1989; "Undfen" for trombone and live electronics in 1990; "Mientras" for trombone or trombone with live electronics in 1994; "Sottili canti....invisibili" for reciter, piano, tuba and live electronics in 1995; "Solo" for soprano and tape in 1996; "…sottile canto III" for tuba and live electronics in 1997; "iba por los montes...mientras yo dormía" for violin and live electronics in 1998; "de...homenaje" for soprano and live electronics, and "Oruro 3.706 mt. SNM", chamber music theatre with "music...words...images...", for actor, soprano, violin, piano, trombone, tuba, tape and live electronics, both in 1999.

Since 1983 Alandia is director of the "Nuove Forme Sonore" ensemble.

At present he is professor of composition at the ("F. Morlacchi") Music Conservatory of Perugia, in Italy.

(text updated: October, 2003)

Ressources disponibles pour ce compositeur :
- Liste des compositions (3 compositions)

Table des matières :