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Vera Frenkel

Cartographie d'une pratique / Mapping a Practice

Sélection de documents d'archives

String GamesString Games
Vera Frenkel, String Games: Improvisations for Inter-City Video (Montreal–Toronto, 1974)
String GamesString Games
Vera Frenkel, String Games: Improvisations for Inter-City Video (Montreal–Toronto, 1974)
String GamesString Games
Vera Frenkel, String Games: Improvisations for Inter-City Video (Montreal–Toronto, 1974)
String GamesString Games
Vera Frenkel, String Games: Improvisations for Inter-City Video (Montreal–Toronto, 1974)
String GamesString Games
Vera Frenkel, String Games: Improvisations for Inter-City Video (Montreal–Toronto, 1974)
String GamesString Games
Vera Frenkel, String Games: Improvisations for Inter-City Video (Montreal–Toronto, 1974)
"...from the Transit Bar""...from the Transit Bar"
Vera Frenkel, "...from the Transit Bar" / "...du transitbar" (1992)
"...from the Transit Bar""...from the Transit Bar"
Vera Frenkel, "...from the Transit Bar" / "...du transitbar" (1992)
"...from the Transit Bar""...from the Transit Bar"
Vera Frenkel, "...from the Transit Bar" / "...du transitbar" (1992)
"...from the Transit Bar""...from the Transit Bar"
Vera Frenkel, "...from the Transit Bar" / "...du transitbar" (1992)
"...from the Transit Bar""...from the Transit Bar"
Vera Frenkel, "...from the Transit Bar" / "...du transitbar" (1992)
"...from the Transit Bar""...from the Transit Bar"
Vera Frenkel, "...from the Transit Bar" / "...du transitbar" (1992)
"...from the Transit Bar""...from the Transit Bar"
Vera Frenkel, "...from the Transit Bar" / "...du transitbar" (1992)
"...from the Transit Bar""...from the Transit Bar"
Vera Frenkel, "...from the Transit Bar" / "...du transitbar" (1992)
"...from the Transit Bar""...from the Transit Bar"
Vera Frenkel, "...from the Transit Bar" / "...du transitbar" (1992)
"...from the Transit Bar""...from the Transit Bar"
Vera Frenkel, "...from the Transit Bar" / "...du transitbar" (1992)
"...from the Transit Bar""...from the Transit Bar"
Vera Frenkel, "...from the Transit Bar" / "...du transitbar" (1992)

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