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Thème : Urbanisme

10 pages sur ce site

18 documents audiovisuels

Alan Dunning, Billy Budd's Stammer, 1988Stealth Group, The Wild City: Urban Genetics, 2000-2001Alan Dunning, Mother, 1988Alan Dunning, Ville de lumière/city of light, 1988Alan Dunning, Rapture, 1988Alan Dunning, Rapture, 1988Alan Dunning, Paul Woodrow, The Einstein's Brain Project: The Furnace, 1997-1999 (vidéo)
Alan Dunning, Paul Woodrow, The Einstein's Brain Project: The Errant Eye, 1997-2001Alan Dunning, Paul Woodrow, The Einstein's Brain Project: The Errant Eye, 1997-2001Greylands, Plaine LeBreton, Ottawa, 1999CAPACETE, A Banca no 2, 2002 (vidéo)
Greylands, Bureau de vente factice (roulotte), 1999Vishal Rawlley et Kurnal Rawat, Typocity, 2003Vishal Rawlley et Kurnal Rawat, Typocity, 2003Vishal Rawlley et Kurnal Rawat, Typocity, 2003Greylands, Projet immobilier factice, 1999Le Corbusier, La Maison RadieuseMarc Fournel, Tontauben, 2004 (vidéo)