alcides lanza, ektenes III (1995-I), 1995
Durée de l'enregistrement : 10 min 30 s.
Instruments : Pour clarinette, sons électroacoustiques et traitement numérique du signal
Réalisé à : Studio SHELAN et EMS, université McGill. Montréal, Canada.
Remarques : Musée d'art contemporain, Montréal.
Concert NEM / MusMix, 7 et 8 février 2002.
Simon Aldrich, clarinette;
Luc Maltais, DSP.
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Biographie de alcides lanza-
Compositions par alcides lanzaÀ propos de cette composition :
[Traduction française non disponible]
ektenes III [1995-I] was written for Jean-Guy Boisvert who premiered it at Pollack Concert Hall, McGill University, on October 18, 1995.
the tape part was realized by recording clarinet tones, multiphonics and short improvised sequences in digital format and then processed utilizing an Akai S1000 digital sampler and the software programs Sound Designer II and Audiomedia II in a Macintosh computer system. all pre-recorded clarinet sounds were performed by Jean-Guy Boisvert.
Repetition is an essential compositional tool as used by alcides lanza. The clarinet line encounters a first reflection on the sounds recorded on tape. Other 'repeats' are written in the score as mandatory or optional repeats. However, since the instrument is amplified, further echoes are produced by the digital signal processing, including digital delays and pitch transposed imitations. ektenes III was written for Jean-Luc Boisvert and is dedicated to him. the tape part was realized at the Shelan Studio, Montreal. ektenes III is an invocation for the man alone, surrounded by the myriad events of the cosmos...a contemporary aulos or imbubu player whose litany is answered via electronic and digital events/sounds.
ektene: also 'ectene', 'synapte' [Gr. ektenés: abundant, extended, to prolong]
synapte: Eastern China: a litany
litany: a ceremonial, liturgical form of prayer consisting of a series of invocations or supplications, with responses which are repeated a number of times.
imbubu: instrument of ancient Babylon mentioned in texts from ca. 800 B.C. It may have denoted a conical double-reed instrument.
Tape part created at the SHELAN Studios and finalized at the EMS, McGill University.