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Thème : Robotics

41 documents audiovisuels

Chris Csikszentmihályi, Afghan Explorer, 2001Chris Csikszentmihályi, DJ I Robot, 2001Chris Csikszentmihályi, DJ I Robot, 2001 (vidéo)
John Klima, Go Fish, 2001Jessica Field, Semiotic Investigation into Cybernetic Behaviour,  2003Jessica Field, Semiotic Investigation into Cybernetic Behaviour,  2003Jessica Field, Semiotic Investigation into Cybernetic Behaviour (2003). 

Gracieuseté de l'artiste.Jessica Field, Autonomous Robot, 1999Jessica Field, If it was broken, it would be simple, but it is not, 1999Jessica Field, Stumbling Robot, 1999Lynn Hershman, Roberta Being Trapped, 1975John Klima, The Great Game, 2001John Klima, Earth, 2001John Klima, Terrain Machine, 2002John Klima, Context Breeder, 2002John Klima, Glasbead, 1999John Klima, Go, 2001Chico MacMurtrie, Skeletal Reflections, 2003 (vidéo)
Chico MacMurtrie, Skeletal Reflections, 2003Chico MacMurtrie, Skeletal Reflections, 2003Chico MacMurtrie, Skeletal Reflections (2003). Gracieuseté de Amorphic Robot Works.Greylands, Robot traceur de ligne, 1999Jessica Field, Semiotic Investigation into Cybernetic Behaviour,  2003 (vidéo)
Geoffrey Smedley, Water Tablet, 2001Bill Vorn et Louis-Philippe Demers, La Cour des Miracles, 1997Geoffrey Smedley, Escapement (détail), 2001Eduardo Kac, Ornitorrinco, 1996Eduardo Kac, GFP Bunny (2000).

Gracieuseté de l'artiste.Bill Vorn et Louis-Philippe Demers, Le Procès, 1999Bill Vorn, Evil/Live, 1997Bill Vorn, Evil/Live 2, 2002Chris Csikszentmihályi, Afghan Explorer, 2001John Klima, Ecosystm, 1999Chico MacMurtrie, The Ancestral Path Through The Amorphic Landscape, 2000 (vidéo)
Chico MacMurtrie, Skeletal Reflections, 2003Chico MacMurtrie, Skeletal Reflections, 2000 (vidéo)
Chico MacMurtrie, Skeletal Reflections, 2003Jessica Field, Personal Scale, 1999Geoffrey Smedley, The Roulette – The Organ of Chance (2013)Geoffrey Smedley, The Name of the Piece, 1979-1982Bill Vorn et Simon Penny, Bedlam, 2001-2003

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